Friday, 18 July 2014

I love(d) you

Despite the depressing tone of my previous blogpost, I really was much happier the day after. Going into work and being surrounded by the children just made me feel a thousand times better.. except for the times when I had to scold the special few 😠

I was cleaning out some of the friends in my FB when I came across my ex's profile. It's been totally stagnant for two years. Two whole years that I haven't heard from him and I finally made myself delete the posts and comments that I had left on his wall. While I was scrolling through his wall.. I found this post that he wrote three years ago when we were still together:
" love, what a complex thing <3 p="">" <3 affectionate="" charis="" felt="" for="" haha.="" i="" lol="" me="" nbsp="" p="" today="" weird="">Reading his words brought me back to when things were different.. when I was a simpler, more naive and innocent person. I don't regret the way things turned out and I believe we both truely loved each other.. You were my first love. Wherever you are right now, I hope you're happy and that you're leaving the life you've always wanted :')

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