Monday 11 August 2014


Being confident is a skill that I have not yet mastered. A confident person is one who is comfortable in their own skin and doesn't care about how other people judge them as they walk into a room. They are the ones who are able to express themselves well and deal with situations calmly and effectively.

I am barely comfortable in my own skin and it takes me awhile to feel settled into a new environment. Fast forward and less than a year later I'm going to be starting college. Friends from my cohort at NP have already started their journey this year while others are carrying out their bonds and will enrole in 2016. I am praying hard that I will begin next year. But there lies the problem. A new environment and I'll be the odd one out. Different peers means having to work in a different group dynamic.

I don't know why I'm freaking out about this now when I still have a long way to ho at work.. I am honestly terrified.

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