Saturday 2 August 2014

Relationships 💘

Why is it that inter-racial relationships are frowned upon even though we live in a multi-racial country? Personally, I respect those couples in inter-racial relationships. Why? Because in spite of the judgements and criticisms that they receive, the love that they have for one another is strong. And that just shows that love conquers all. With that being said, it really depends on a person's mindset to. I am open to all things different and non-conformity. My parents are still the old-school kind of parents who frown upon such thoughts and behaviours.

All along I've had the mindset that if I were to fall in love with/marry someone of another race/religion, I would convert to his religion if need be. My tastes in guys have always been eclectic. I see things in them that others don't see. You can call it potential.

The teachers were teasing me about the speaker from yesterday again. And they asked me if I was prepared to convert. I said yes. And right at this point of time.. I had a lightbulb moment. It wouldn't be worth it if I converted my religion/practices and lost my family in the process. This was such a wake up call. No matter what happens.. it'll always be family first with me. Even if that means I'll be single for the rest of my life. But I honestly hope that that wouldn't be the case.

Everything happens for a reason and I'm placing my faith in Him to lead the way.

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